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Good News & Important Next Steps

Green for the Greater Good

In this e-Newsletter we share big news about the City’s announcement that it’s seeking funding to build the community-designed park at the Rodney Reservoir. Wow, what incredible news! Many thanks to the City for taking this step and everyone who has written letters, talked to elected officials, and shown up at events to advocate for this to happen. This e-Newsletter also includes a status update on demolition and a recap of top priorities we all need to continue to advocate for. 

While we’ve made great progress, it's vital that we continue to speak up to make sure the City collaborates with the community on building the park design and puts in place protections to keep us safe during demolition and construction.

WHO WE ARE: Green for the Greater Good is a group of neighbors working to keep the Rodney Reservoir safe, public and green so all residents can enjoy its use. Let’s work together to make sure our community’s health is protected and the Rodney Reservoir becomes a beautiful park.


Two weeks ago, the City announced to the Rodney Reservoir Working Group that the Mayor had submitted a request for $2 million in state bond bill funding to build the resident-driven design for a new park at the Rodney Reservoir. The City also announced that they would do construction as part of demolition. This is what we have been advocating for–for the City to fund the plan before they bulldoze the land!--and we’ve made a huge step forward. Again, we thank the City for engaging the community in designing the new park and taking this important step to fund its construction now. 


We do have more work to do because, in the same meeting, the City disbanded the Rodney Reservoir Working Group that included representatives from the city and community who have been working together so far to coordinate the community park design process. 

Now is when we need the city to work in collaboration with the community the most! There will be dozens of decisions made over the next few months that will shape how the park turns out. Our community needs to be at the table, advocating for and building connections around the collective vision, and making sure that residents know what is being considered and have a chance to give input. 


Last week the contractors started preparing the Rodney Reservoir for demolition and moved a lot of heavy equipment onto 8th St. The Rodney Reservoir Community gardeners were informed that the new park would include a new garden and were given a few days to rescue everything from our plots and try to find homes for the good wood and other materials. It was very sad to lose this beautiful space so many of us have worked together to create, but a new community garden is part of the design of the new park. We need to make sure the city/community collaboration includes active gardeners and partners. 

4. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP: Contact your Elected officials!

We have made a lot of progress but there is still a lot more to do to make sure a nature- and community-focused park at the Rodney Reservoir becomes a reality.  

The impossible becomes possible when we work together! Here’s what you can do:

Contact Mayor Purzycki and thank him for taking this important step of asking for Bond Bill funding for the new park! Also let him know that we hope he will continue his commitment to working with the community by keeping the Rodney Reservoir Working Group going throughout construction. 

Sign the petition to show your support for the City’s effort to fund the plan before they bulldoze the land and to call for robust resident engagement to continue during the construction phase so we can all work together to  make sure we end up with a beautiful community and nature-based park at the Rodney Reservoir!

Green for the Greater Good has drafted a resolution that proposes a path forward for this next phase. Read the resolution here. Contact your City Council members and ask them to support the resolution. Find their contact information here. Not sure which district you reside in? Check it here


We need to work together to make sure our neighborhood is heard and the city works with us on the future of the Rodney Reservoir! Here are some more ways you can help:

Follow Green for the Greater Good on Facebook and Instagram @GreenfortheGreaterGood

Share posts on your own social media.

Visit the website for the latest news.

Join weekly Saturday meetings at 10 AM at the Church of The Holy City at 1118 N. Broom Street. Enter to the right of the main door and enter through the side door. 



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